07525 234 180 connect@tamsengarrie.biz

Business Consultancy and Facilitation

If this is you…

You have grown a successful business and built a team, but you’re not convinced you have the right people, or that you’re leveraging them as well as you could.

Your results have plateau’d and your profitability is suffering, as is your lifestyle and wellbeing.

You have big aspirations and you instinctively know that they’re not achievable unless you solve these issues…

You’re ready for some help

I can help you..

Whether your business is moving forward or backwards, you will have challenges and as unique as those challenges are to your business, one thing is consistent – they all involve people.

The Solution

Successful businesses recognise that their success ultimately comes through and as a result of their people, which is why successful businesses have a strategy with an emphasis on people-centric culture.

Leaders and teams who are fully aligned with your vision, strategy and each other will ultimately deliver the results you want.


Reconnect with why you’re in business and redefine where you are heading, so that your vision inspires and motivates both you and the other people in the business to take action.


Identify strengths to leverage and weaknesses to consider, weigh up opportunities to pursue, and threats to mitigate, and make key decisions that will drive business growth and/or improvement.


Develop your leadership confidence, ability, approach and style, so that you are able to both inspire and motivate your people to drive your business forward through choice!


Improve your communication/
public speaking skills and confidence, so that you are able to effectively influence others, both inside and outside of your business.

If your leaders could be more INFLUENTIAL.  If your team could be more IMPACTFUL.  If your sales and profits could be IMPROVED,


I look forward to connecting!