07525 234 180 connect@tamsengarrie.biz

My Media Page

I have been incredibly fortunate to have been invited to speak on a number of hangouts and summits, to be interviewed by a number of business professionals and to write for a large number of reputable business publications.

Hangouts and Summits 
(click the icons to watch)

Audio Interviews
(click the icons to listen)

The Global Impact Summit
with Paul Dunn, B1G1 

Accountability with
Yvette Taylor, The Social Source

Make It Happen
with Claire Portis, I wish, I can, I will

Soulpreneur Sessions with
Yvette Taylor, The Social Source

Success Blueprint For Entrepreneurs with Kay Sanders

Rejuvenate Your Business
Sandra Barter

Conversations with Authors with
Alison Thompson, The Proof Fairy

ARTICLES AND FEATURES (click the images to view)