07525 234 180 connect@tamsengarrie.biz





What is it?

Over a full on day, we (myself and another 9 business owners) ‘VMA’ your business together.  We design a VISION that motivates you to take action, explore the MINDSET required for success and create a plan of ACTION, complete with accountability measures for you to implement to ensure that you take the appropriate action consistently to drive your business forward
month on month.


What is it?

Working through the online programme and with the support of myself and the VMA community, you design a VISION that inspires and motivates you to take action, you create the MINDSET required to condition you internally for success and you implement the
VMA ACTION plan to create the products, marketing messages and strategy to drive your business forwards.

Who’s it for?

VMA BOOST is for you if have both the desire and drive to grow your business, but don’t have the need (or financial resources) for 1-2-1 coaching and mentoring, but recognise that you need somehelp and support to
do it.

Who’s it for?

VMA ONLINE is for you if have both the desire and drive to grow your business, but don’t havethe need (or financial resources) for 1-2-1 coaching and mentoring, but recognise that you need somehelp and support to do it.

What does it mean for your business?

VMA BOOST leaves you with clarity about where your business is heading, renewed motivation and confidence, and the basis of a plan to drive your daily, weekly and monthly activity to grow your business month on month.

What does it mean for your business?

VMA ONLINE gives you the steps and the regular support, advice and accountability you need to enable you to confidently drive your business forwards, both strategically and tactically month on month.


What is it?

Over half a day, we ‘VMA’ your business together.  We design a VISION that motivates you to take action, we explore the MINDSET required to create the conditions internally for success and we create a plan of ACTION, complete with accountability measures, to ensure that you take the appropriate action consistently to drive your business forward month on month.


What is it?

We start with VMA INSIGHT in month one and then meet monthly for three (MOTION) or six (ACCELERATE) months for half a day to implement the VMA ACTION plan, creating the products, marketing messages and strategy to grow your business, propelling you and your business forward onto the next level fast!

Who’s it for?

VMA INSIGHT is for you if you need clarity about what you do, how you do it and who for and/or clarity of where you are heading.  Or, if you want to ‘test the water’, before committing to regular coaching, mentoring and accountability

Who’s it for?

VMA ACCELERATE is for you if you are serious about growing your business and you want to move fast, but you recognise that you need the expertise, experience and support of someone who has been there and done it to help you

What does it mean for your business?

VMA INSIGHT leaves you with clarity about where your business is heading, renewed motivation and confidence, and the basis of a plan to drive your daily, weekly and monthly activity to grow your business month on month.

What does it mean for your business?

VMA ACCELERATE gets you working ON your business strategically with the expertise, experience, external perspective and help that you need so that your business grows both consistently and sustainably.

Discover how you can grow your business
using my unique 3 Step Strategic Process



(one to one)

“If you are looking for a business coach and you are serious about growing your business, then I would not hesitate to recommend Tamsen”

At the time I met Tamsen, I was very clear on my vision for my business, but lacked the master plan that was going to really give me the traction to move my business forward.

Tamsen has been working with me for the last 6 months, and has helped me to map out the plan for my business and I can really see a big difference already.

Her experience and expertise in operations and team training has been invaluable, and she has helped to shape the structure for the business.

Tamsen is a joy to work with and has a very hands on approach.  I have worked with many coaches, and know that Tamsen was the one who made ALL the difference in my business growth and direction.

I cannot recommend her highly enough. I plan to continue to work with Tamsen on-going, and see her as an integral part of my team.

Philippa Constable

Managing Director, Women Mean Biz