07525 234 180 connect@tamsengarrie.biz

Six months ago my business was growing but not in the way I wanted and I felt like I was being carried along by the tide, not really knowing where I was heading or what it was that I really wanted.

I met Tamsen at a networking event and everything she said resonated with my situation.

Together we came up with my vision of ‘what’ and ‘why’ and an action plan of ‘how’ to start things moving in that direction.  Since doing this my business has changed direction and continues to grow organically but it is now heading for a place I want it to.  This has all been achieved with very little additional work just a focus on an end goal.

If you are feeling a little lost or not quite sure if your business is giving you the results you want then I strongly advise you get in touch with Tamsen, either to work with her directly 1-2-1, or to follow her online program ‘Twelve Steps To Traction’ – you won’t regret it!

Hannah Cook

Owner, Mendip Accounting Solutions