07525 234 180 connect@tamsengarrie.biz

There is a solution

Self-employment is a courageous career choice with many rewards, but it can also be a challenging one!

I’ll bet you are very passionate about what you do and highly skilled at it too.  Your choice to go into business was driven by your desire to do more of what you enjoy and to be in control of your own time, income and future.  I can relate to that.

But, there is so much more to running a business than servicing clients isn’t there?

You’ve also got to think about marketing and sales, processes and systems, book-keeping and accounts, and with all of that to do, there’s little time to focus on actually developing the business.

You’re in the ‘practitioner’ trap:

Blue button    The business requires you to be working ‘in’ it so that your clients are happy and continue to pay you.  But without spending time on developing your business, there are not enough clients or income streams for you to make the income you want.

Blue button    You are ‘doing’ a lot of activity and you’re expending a lot of energy in the process, but your activity is not generating the results you want.  You’re not getting any real traction and things are not really moving forward.

Blue button    You are working long days and rarely have a day off, yet your business and your income is not growing.  And, whilst you still want to work for yourself, this is not why you went into business!

You’re suffering from one or more of the following:

Blue button    You’ve not got a clear vision for the business and what you want from it.  Or, you’ve got the vision, but your ‘why’ isn’t clear – ‘Why’ you are doing it.  As a result, your vision does not motivate you to take the necessary action to make it a reality.

Blue button    You’re doing all the right stuff externally, but your internal activity is the problem.  Your mind-set doesn’t support your vision and so your thoughts and feelings are in conflict with your goals.  Negative thoughts get in your way, or a fundamental belief that it just isn’t going to happen is preventing the outcome you want.  This affects your confidence and so you find that you don’t put yourself out there or seize opportunities like you know you could.

Blue button    You have a strong vision and your mind-set is spot on – you know you can do it and you are motivated to take action, but there’s a lack of planning meaning that your activity is not focused or in line with your vision.

Ultimately, you want more success:  more income, more time, more enjoyment, and you want it all with less effort!

And, this is the thing:  You are not alone.  And, it’s not that you’re doing anything wrong either!

The simple fact is that there is a lot to running a business and there is nobody on this planet with an entire business toolkit.  None of us have all the answers, experience skills or resources that we need in business.

The good news is that there is a solution.

To find out more, click HERE, or get in touch now:

You can also visit the testimonials page on this site for evidence of my work.